Continuing Professional Education Courses
Stay updated and continuously improve your skills and knowledge
Why do I need Continuing Education?
Industries are constantly changing. Continuing education is required for employees to stay current with the latest developments, skills, and new technologies required for their fields. The accounting and auditing professions also require continuing education to comply with laws, remain licensed or certified, or maintain membership in an association or licensing body. Overall, continuing education is considered a way for professionals to keep abreast of their fields so they don’t lag behind.
What topics are covered?
Becker specializes in accounting and auditing, in addition to in-depth government, SEC and tax courses. Becker also offers courses on broader management and personal skills that firms often request in order to help train and retain talent.
A variety of accounting review CPE courses are available including reviews of accounting standards, annual reports and some specialized topics in accounting.
Several auditing standards are reviewed to enhance their understanding and to build a solid knowledge of the standards presented.
An in-depth understanding of Micro- and Macro economics topics are covered in several CPE courses.
Operational and capital budgeting are among the various topics covered. Cost of capital and the capital structure are vital for decision makers and are covered nicely in a batch of CPE courses.
Governmental accounting and fund accounting using the modified accrual basis in addition to governmental auditing are among the topics covered. Several CPE courses are grouped in this section.
Ethics are considered a cornerstone of every profession. Accounting and auditing are not any different. Know the ethical standards and principles by attending several module dedicated to this topic.
Management, communication skills and leadership skills, among others, are topics covered in this section. All of the presented topics are feilds of study that are relevant to any manager. Attending such CPE courses will enhance your ability to manage your organization well.
A number of specialized topics are covered in this section. Quality control for a CPA firm, big data, valuations of businesses, crowd funding, IT and IT security are among the topics covered.
In addition to courses in federal taxation and the Internal Revenue Code, there are a number of courses that are relevant to all practitioners including accounting for income taxes and preparing for a tax audit.

CPE courses for today's accountant
For more than 60 years, Becker has been the leader accountants trust to help them stay current with the latest industry content. Becker’s CPE courses feature a constantly growing catalog of trending CPA and CPE topics — written and taught by industry veterans — and flexible learning formats that fit your lifestyle and preferred way to learn. From CPAs to CMAs, unlicensed tax preparers to independent practitioners, CPAs continuing their education and more, we’re committed to providing the accounting community with the best online CPE courses to evolve their skills and better serve their clients and staff.
CPE Courses Worth the Commitment
We’ve created CPE courses that not only help you meet your credit requirements, but also expand your expertise in ways that translate what you learn into the work you do every day. Becker CPE courses cover a wide range of topics including information technology, personal development and more. Our experts monitor regulation changes throughout the year and implement updates to our coursework as they happen so you can be sure the content is fresh, thorough and technically accurate.

Quick Certificate Delivery
Certificates of completion are available immediately after finishing a course. Your certificates are stored in your account and can be printed, saved and downloaded whenever you need them.
Becker Partners with the AICPA
As a partner of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), Becker offers AICPA webcasts and certificate programs as part of its already robust and diversified course catalog.
CPA’s are required to earn CPE hours every year, we are proud to offer this opportunity of continuing education courses in an easy yet powerful format.
Becker Partners with the IMA
Becker also partners with the IMA. This is a commitment to continuing education for all accountants includes providing courses for those professionals pursuing the certified management accountant (CMA) certification. Becker’s partnership with the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), the governing body of the CMA credential, allows it to better help professionals prep for the CMA exam and earn their CPE once certified.
Are you ready?
Contact us today to learn more about the next step to earn all needed CPE hours.
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